Alcohol Deprivation Effect (ADE)

Unravelling the Mystery of Alcohol Addiction: The Sinclair Method (TSM) and the Alcohol Deprivation Effect

January 26, 20243 min read

Unravelling the Mystery of Alcohol Addiction:

The Sinclair Method (TSM) and the Alcohol Deprivation Effect


Welcome to our deep dive into the revolutionary world of alcohol addiction treatment, where we explore the pioneering work of Dr David Sinclair, especially his discovery of the Alcohol Deprivation Effect (ADE) and the development of The Sinclair Method (TSM). At Rethink Drink, we are committed to integrating these ground-breaking discoveries to provide effective treatment options.

research for alcohol deprivation effect Dr Sinclair The Sinclair Method UK

The Alcohol Deprivation Effect (ADE)

Dr David Sinclair's concept of the Alcohol Deprivation Effect (ADE) has transformed our understanding of alcohol addiction and its treatment. In a traditional view, alcohol addiction was often seen as a linear process where the more one drinks, the more one becomes dependent, and thus, abstaining would naturally lead to a decrease in desire and dependency. However, Sinclair's findings turned this notion on its head, introducing a much more dynamic and complex interaction between alcohol consumption and craving.

The ADE suggests that periods of abstinence can actually heighten the craving for alcohol, rather than diminish it. This is akin to a rebound effect; where the denied pleasure becomes even more desirable. This concept is critical in understanding why some individuals relapse into heavy drinking after periods of abstinence. It points to the underlying neurological pathways that get reinforced every time the craving is satisfied post-deprivation.

Moreover, ADE explains the observation that in some cases, individuals who have abstained for a period, when they do start drinking again, often consume alcohol in greater quantities than before. This cycle of abstinence and relapse can be more harmful than a consistent but controlled consumption pattern. It also sheds light on the psychological aspects of addiction where the 'forbidden fruit' becomes more alluring, thereby making the process of recovery much more challenging.

In essence, understanding ADE is crucial for both individuals struggling with alcohol addiction and the professionals who treat them. It highlights the need for treatment methods that consider the complex psychological and physiological responses involved in alcohol dependency. The Sinclair Method (TSM), by using pharmacological tools like Naltrexone in conjunction with a controlled drinking plan, directly addresses this issue. Instead of advocating for complete abstinence, which could trigger the ADE, it focuses on gradually reducing the appeal of alcohol, thereby offering a more sustainable path to recovery.

Rethink Drink incorporates these insights into its treatment programs, understanding that the journey to recovery is as much about retraining the brain's response to alcohol as it is about controlling consumption.

The Sinclair Method (TSM): A Paradigm Shift in Treatment

The Sinclair Method (TSM), which uses Naltrexone to reduce the reinforcement effects of alcohol, represents a radical shift in treating alcohol dependence. By taking Naltrexone prior to drinking, The Sinclair Method (TSM) reduces the brain’s response to alcohol, thereby weakening the association between alcohol and pleasure. This process, known as pharmacological extinction, essentially ‘rewires’ the brain's response to alcohol, leading to reduced cravings and consumption. The success of this method is well-documented in numerous studies, confirming its efficacy in reducing alcohol dependency.

Tailoring Recovery with Rethink Drink

At Rethink Drink, founded by Matt Brindley and Bruce Rose, we champion the use of The Sinclair Method (TSM) in our comprehensive dual therapy model. Recognising that each journey to recovery is unique, we offer personalised support programmes designed to compliment the pharmacological treatment of The Sinclair Method (TSM). Our approach not only targets the physical dependence on alcohol but also addresses the psychological and behavioural aspects of addiction. For a deeper understanding of how our programmes can support your recovery journey, please visit our FAQ page and consider enrolling in our free mini-course


In the realm of alcohol addiction treatment, The Sinclair Method (TSM) offers a new horizon of hope and effectiveness. Rethink Drink stands at the forefront of this innovative treatment in the UK, providing guidance and support for individuals seeking recovery. For more insights into our approach and resources, visit our blog.

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